Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Friday 8 January 2010

Friday 8th January - Blooming Freezing

No bin-men out and about so I had to take some rubbish up to the tip today. Funny that I can get to the tip but they cannot get to me. Night time temperatures running below -5 deg C with the daytime barely getting to zero, so God knows what the gas bill is going to be. Still, it helps pay the pension. Edwina's school has been shut.

Spent the morning converting boxes of 8,000 plus leaflets into 76 bundles of 110, with Edwina's help. This is a task that I would not want to do again - mind numbing.

We have about 5"of snow, which took me over 90 minutes to clear from the drive and one car on Wednesday morning so I could get the newspaper. Getting out and about has not been difficult, unless you are a wimp or a lazy shyster. Our own road is passable with care and the main roads are all clear. The snowman the neighbouring children built must have gone down to the Blinking Owl because he is flat on his face now.

1 comment:

  1. What a hero you are Bob! We have had the clearest drive and pathways in the area this week. Not sure the wimps and shysters will be very pleased to read your comments, though ;-)
    P.S. I think I must be one myself.
