Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Friday 2 April 2010

2nd April - Some time off to Play

An hour dealing with emails first thing left the rest of Good Friday to go out and have some fun. So, we set off for Swindon and the Great Western Railway Museum, called Steam. A compact set of displays, in one of the old works buildings, telling the story of a railway town, the people and the things they made. We took lunch in the National Trust HQ in the middle of our stroll around the exhibits. Lots of items of interest for the steam buff and plenty to keep those not so interested in the oily stuff entertained. We decided to take the country route home via Stroud and Gloucester.

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