Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Sunday 21 March 2010

19th - 21st March visit to District 1100 conference in Torquay

A truly wonderful weekend experiencing D1100's Conference in Torquay, masterminded by Governor Stewart. The headquarters hotel was the Imperial, so buses were used to transport us to and fro. The conference started with the first session at 1500hrs on Friday afternoon, with a sixties fancy dress in the evening led by the Searchers. Saturday sessions ran through from 0930hrs until 1700hrs with a Gala Banquet in the evening with the String of Pearls dance band. Sunday had the same start time and finished at lunch. This was a longer conference than we put on and it was packed with club and charity inputs. Immediate Past RID Gordon and Past RIBI President Norman represented David F and John K respectively. The Hall of Friendship was packed with exhibits and the star of the show was the shoebox wall created and designed by the Chepstow club. You can see it below. In typical fashion this was as much a fellowship and fun event as it was informative and inspirational, with over 700 delegates and about 80% of clubs attending. It was truly memorable.

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