Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Tuesday 3 November 2009

67 - Official Visit Saundersfoot 2/11/09

This evening we were faced with the long drive down to Saundersfoot in the dark. The forecast was for heavy rain so we set off early with the intention of completing most of the journey in daylight but we arrive in the dark at 1800hrs. A quiet 30 minutes listening to the news in the car was followed by a welcomed pot of tea in the Merlewood House Hotel whilst we awaited the arrival of the club members. They caught us in the act of tea supping because that had a meeting arranged for 1845hrs. A very convivial evening with fine food and good company. President Brian was not able to be with us because of ill health so IPP Ian took the helm - bit like riding a bike. RIBI Treasurer Howard is a member of this club and it was good to meet up with him in relaxed circumstances. Here you see me with IPP Ian as he passed over a cheque for Polio Eradication together with a general view of the room. Fortunately the drive home was mostly dry albeit pitch black. 

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