Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Thursday 29 October 2009

Peace Seminar in Bradford 31/10/09

Four intrepids ventured north to Bradford to attend the Bill Huntley Memorial Peace Fellows Seminar. The journey up on Friday could be described as a nightmare, leaving at just after noon and arriving at 1850hrs. Every time we re-routed to avoid traffic jams, using a faithful satnav, we ended up in even more trouble. Within sight of the M1 we were stationary and ended up visiting Derby before hoofing it up the A38 for a clear run. Gareth did a marvelous job, with some calming influence from relaxed and contented passengers, Bob, Steve and Mike. The planned quiet pint was replaced by a more hurried one as we had to do a rapid clothes change before dinner at 1930hrs. I think that Gareth hankered for some of those sticky-out things that enable planes to get off the ground. At the dinner, which was good, we had the chance to chat to Peace Fellows from this year and last year. We headed for bed sometime after midnight - just the four of us. Saturday was the Seminar, another high class event with superb speakers and a chance to do some networking. We did have an ulterior motive for being at the seminar, apart from our general interest with their work and the programme in general. We are repeating our successful Peace Seminar, held in May , next year and we were looking out for speakers who could help out. The journey home was much less eventful  and I was home by 2020hrs. An enjoyable and rewarding time with quality time spent in the car and at the seminar.

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