Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Thursday 20 August 2009

42 - Official Visit Pembroke 20/8/09

Thursday was an early start because the cleaners were coming at 0800hrs, so we got ourselves sorted out on what looked like a wet day. I had asked Viv, a member of my club, to take me down to Pembroke for their Official Visit and I was to be at his house at 1000hrs for the two hour drive to the Cleddau Bridge Hotel in Pembroke Dock. As we moved further west the skies cleared and we had beautiful weather, a sharp contrast to when Viv took us up to Knighton when it just poured down all day. This was results day so Edwina had to go into school in the morning. As we approached Pembroke Dock it was clear that we were early so we pulled into a pub on the roundabout just before the turn off to the hotel to have a cup of coffee and to shake off the stiffness of the journey down. I talked to the landlord about the many darts trophies on display and told him what we were about to do as he made our coffee and to my amazement he declined any payment for our drinks - we will have to return there to sample the fine looking ale on sale. The Cleddau Bridge hotel has stunning views over the Haven, with moored yachts and the constant movement of traffic on the water. The Pembroke club had a really good turnout for lunch and it was a pleasure to see some new younger members and a prospective new member present. They have a very full and busy programme. Here you see me with President David after the meal. A very pleasant meeting in a convivial atmosphere.

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