Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Tuesday 4 May 2010

4th May - Inner Wheel International Overseas Rally

A stunning drive in brilliant sunshine early this morning took me to Llandrindod Wells for District 15 Inner Wheel's International Overseas Rally. The venue was the Metropole Hotel who really looked after us well with a fine lunch. The Rally was well organised by the host club, under the leadership of President Rita, and fronted by Overseas Organiser Marion with District Chair Toni in attendance. The main speaker was Wil Morus Jones who runs a charity called Bangla Cymru, which focuses on the surgical repair of clefts in Bangladesh. A very enjoyable day with Rotary club President Carl there to support Rita.
On the way home I popped in to say hello to Martyn and enjoyed a cup of tea and some useful discussion on District matters.

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