Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Tuesday 13 April 2010

13th April - Newport Club

A routine club meeting today with a very interesting speaker, His Honour Judge Nicholas Cooke, Recorder of Cardiff and an Honorary Member of the Cardiff club. He gave a brief historic overview of the development of his role and how it fits in with the judiciary of today. He also recounted some interesting local past cases and drew the club's attention to a recent change in one aspect of the law. Death by careless driving is now a very serious offence that could end up with a custodial sentence, similar to the offence of death by dangerous driving. The advocacy for the victim has been sufficient over the recent years to shift the emphasis in their favour in such cases. He will be very interested in joining a club when he retires and he does live in Newport.

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