Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Thursday 4 February 2010

3rd February - District Executive

Spent the day ploughing through all the papers for tonight's meeting and working the printer to death. I had planned to leave at 1730hrs but a call from Steve, of broken wrist fame, changed my plans. He cannot drive at the moment and his transport, Keith, was laid low with the flu. I arranged to meet him at Cardiff Gate at 1730hrs. Amazingly he was on time, mainly because Felicity was driving, and this change in his normal pattern of  behaviour - arriving late for everything - enabled us to avoid a sizeable delay due to a crash on the M4. Philip got caught and was 30mins late. JC had been lined up for the minutes but he was at home when we called from the meeting room, enjoying himself entertaining visitors. Clayton volunteered, thanks. Lots of meaty stuff to chew around took us onto 2120hrs before we had finished. By this time the caretaker had his pyjamas on and was winding up the clocks. It was nearly 2300hrs when I got home, after dropping Steve back to his house.

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