Bob Higgins was DG for Rotary in South, East & West Wales in 2009/10 and this blog records the important events that took place in the run up to and during 2009/10.

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Sunday 15 November 2009

Don Ramsay

This is a very sad piece of news. Don passed away during the early hours of Saturday morning. I have known Don for a number of years and always found him to be a very gentle, lovely person. He was our PRO and covered his duties with expertise, dedication and thoroughness. You would always find Don at important District events, taking pictures and making notes ready to pass onto the media, and it didn't matter how far away from home he was. Don was a man you could rely on without question and in his presence you were sure that he was with you, there to advise and encourage. We all knew that Don's health was not what it used to be, but he never let his personal fight with disease get in the way of doing all those things he loved to do, until it became so clear to him that it really was no longer possible. There was disappointment and frustration behind the words he wrote to me when he asked to be released of his duties as PRO. Who else would have asked under those circumstances? Only Don. He had his fingers in a number of pies apart from Rotary: the Church, the Lodge, the Golf Club, Air Cadets and much more. Don will be missed greatly by Betty and the family as well as all those who came into contact with him. Our thoughts are with Betty during these difficult times and she will know that that the members of his club will be there to help if needed. Let him rest in peace after a troubled few months as he joins the ranks of those giving higher service. His service to all was superb.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful Rotarian and friend to many, Don will be missed by so many of us...RIP Don xx
